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Call Center Agent Interviews

Call Center Agent Interviews

Wednesday, 07/12/2017 10:00am, Virtual Pro will be onsite recruiting for work from home customer service opportunities. Must dress appropriately and have a resume on hand. Presentation will take place and application instructions for those who would like to apply.

Details: at-home in-bound call center positions; average wage $10 per hour; please attend event for more information.

Requirements:High-Speed Internet Access; Basic Telephone Service (a land line), VOIP or Cable Telephony and a Headset; E-mail Account (with an Approved Internet Service Provider); at least 35 wpm typing speed.

The following companies will be onsite at the North Riverside Workforce Connection Center recruiting for open positions. All applicants must dress for an interview NO LEGGINGS, YOGA PANTS,SHORTS, FLIP- FLOPS or GYM SHOES. Must have a resume. For additional info. please contact the North Riverside Workforce Connection Center Monday-Friday
between the hours of 9am and 5pm. (773) 627-5777.